Monday, May 17, 2010

Central Park

Confirming our sources is really important. That’s why, after a school presentation made on Central Park, I went to New York to see if what I’ve said was true. Seriously, all the secondary 4 went to a wonderful trip in New York / Washington. Since I’ve work on the topic of Central Park, it will be my theme article.

For all of you that don't know what is Central Park, let me sum it up for you: Central Park is a park located in New York. It's famous for his landscapes and his beauty. I knew that Central Park was big, but I couldn’t imagine it was that big. The park was the opposite of New York: calm environment-friendly, serene, Zen and much more. What was amazing was the fact that even though it was located in New York, the park was quiet, with all the buildings surrounding the park. You couldn’t imagine there was a place with so many trees (just as a real forest) in New York. It was good to have a place to rest and just look around in this really charged trip.

In conclusion, if you ever go to New York, Central Park is a must see attraction even if it's only for five minutes.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


AP 2

AP 3

AP 6

Gary le coach de tennis

Le Chasseur de primes [DVDRiP]

Hot Tub Time Machine |UNRATED| [DVDRiP]

Coursier [DVDRiP]

youth in revolt

Gym teacher [DVDRiP]

Protéger et servir [DVDRiP]

Death bell [DVDRiP]


Il était une fois dans le Queens [DVDRiP]

Kung Fu Nanny [DVDRiP]

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Midsummer Night's Dream

A Midsummer’s Night Dream

My scene featured Demetrius, which I played. Hermia was played by Jade. Helena was played by Vicky. My opponent, Lysander, was played by Phillip Goulet. Oberon was gracefully played by Christophe and Puck was played by Florence.

Lysander is terribly in love with Hermia and Hermia is also in love with him. However, Demetrius is also in love with Hermia. Helena is in love with Demetrius, but it wasn’t mutual. Oberon saw how Demetrius was treating Helena, so he decided to make the young boy fall in love with Helena. Oberon used Puck to put the love juice (which was harvested from a flower) under the pupil of Demetrius. However, Puck took Lysander for Demetrius and while he was sleeping next to Hermia, Puck put the love juice under Lysander’s pupil. The love juice acted as it was supposed to do. When Lysander woke up, he fell in love with the first person he saw, which was Helena instead of Hermia. Hermia thought that Lysander was kidding her since he told her he loved her, so she left everyone and ran away. Since Lysander was in lovesickness with her he followed her. Helena woke up and found out that Lysander wasn’t sleeping next to her. Since Demetrius was standing next to her, she concluded that he killed Lysander. Helena was upset and left Demetrius. Demetrius fall asleep, exhausted by the walk he did.

Oberon was surprised by the domino effect of Puck’s mistake. Oberon wants to correct the mistake by putting some love juice under Demetrius pupil. He would fall in love with the next person he will see. Meanwhile, Puck brings Helena near of Demetrius so she will be the first person he will see. Everything worked out perfectly, but Lysander was following Helena.

When Demetrius woke up, he fell in love with Helena. Lysander was also in love with her, so the two boys started squabbling. The noise attracted Hermia. She was still thinking that Lysander loved her. Lysander told Hermia that he didn’t love her. She was so surprised that she thought it was a joke from Helena. When the bickering ended, Puck told everyone that this was nothing more than a dream…

In this project, I proved to myself that I could act as someone that I’m not. I could be and behave as if it was not me. I’m also impressed by all the facts that I learned from theater by all the presentation that we’ve done in French. However, I knew that I could improve myself by knowing a little more my text and behaving as much as I could in Demetrius.

I didn’t appreciate this project because I don’t relate to the work of Shakespeare. Actually, I’m not really into this kind of acting. I found hard to express IMAGINARY feeling from IMAGINARY people. Maybe someone else would have appreciated more … However; it’s true that I learned about old English from Shakespeare.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bad digestion

Food flew all over the place, teachers yelled, girls cried, boys laughed, people sidestepped spaghetti while others had been swinging their lunch. That’s what happened last year at JND, when students of secondary 5 started throwing food which had a snowball effect.

Why did it all begin? Nobody really knows. However, we do know that it had been planed, but we don't know why. So the only thing we can do is to speculate on it.

What's interesting is not the first food fight in JND’s history, but mostly the side effects of it. Some of the side effects are obvious. A good example of them would be the mess that had been created in the cafeteria and all the stained clothes.

To find out the long terms effects, I've interviewed someone who’s always in the cafeteria and was there when it all began: Liliane. She was struck dead by surprise. First she tried to stop it. However, she knew that it was impossible. Than, she took cover by hiding behind the trash can. She was saddened by the student’s behavior. As she said in her interview:” I was really disappointed by the way they acted because we’ve took our time on a Sunday to prepare graduation ceremony, and to thank us the secondary 5 started a food fight”. She also said that the things she liked the most was the atmosphere of the school. However, she said that after the food fight, the atmosphere of the school sent shivers down her spine.

Since Liliane works as a support staff, I interviewed Richard, who’s more involved in the school administration. He was really upset because the students in 5th grade didn’t act maturely as without considering the consequences of their acts.

He told me: “It didn’t disturb me that the secondary 5 had done a great feat to emphasize their last days at the JND. One year, the secondary 5 climbed on the juvenat’s bell tower and rang it twice while hanging a banner.” The difference was that the administration knew what was going to happen. Since the dozen slabs couldn’t be cleaned, they had to be replaced. The cancelation of the famous hot-dog dinner was mostly because they didn’t want to reward the student’s behavior.

This event had repercussions on everyone in the school. Now that you know the whole story,would you ever consider doing it again?

By Xavier Boucher for the JND post, Quebec, October 12th 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The beginnig

I was born in 1994, more exactly the 6th of May. I was the first of two. I was the second little child of my grand-parents and the first boy.

I was a lonely child until my parents made me a brother.
At that age, I wasn't complaining about the fact that I was alone; I had all the attention for me. Somehow I did know it would be more pleasant with a brother.
To make me more comprehensive with the fact I'll be having a brother, my parents bought me a little doll and while my mother was at the hospital, they told me it was my brother and I knew it wasn't him so I took the doll and threw it right down the stairs.

We're the 22nd of June and I'm now with a new family member: Antoine.
I'm dealing okay with the fact that I'll have to share all my things, but I'm really enjoying the fact that I have someone to play with.
A funny anecdote about me and my brother is that when I first saw him in the hospital, the first thing he did wasn't to smile, or cry like lots of babies would have done. He was original, so the first thing he did when he saw me was to pee on me. That's how it all begins between my brother and I.

Presently, I’m going at the Juvénat-Notre-Dame, in Secondary 4.
I’m living in St-Étienne so I’m taking the bus every day to go to school.
It takes me 45 minutes but theses minutes are passing so fast because I’m in good company with Marie, my bus driver. Last summer, I worked 35 hours per week in a small restaurant call “ Resto 2000” as washing the dishes and also I’ve also did preparation, which’s is to cut all the vegetables, fruits, meet, prepare the fries, the sauce ,etc.

I’m in a kind of strict family so I was used to spare away my “bad energy” in the summer. However, I couldn’t because I was working, so I’m doing it in the sport and also a little bit in the school…
I’m kind of an active guy, preferring to do team sport for the spirit. What else could I say about me? I like to hang around with friends, being with my family and relaxing.