Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The beginnig

I was born in 1994, more exactly the 6th of May. I was the first of two. I was the second little child of my grand-parents and the first boy.

I was a lonely child until my parents made me a brother.
At that age, I wasn't complaining about the fact that I was alone; I had all the attention for me. Somehow I did know it would be more pleasant with a brother.
To make me more comprehensive with the fact I'll be having a brother, my parents bought me a little doll and while my mother was at the hospital, they told me it was my brother and I knew it wasn't him so I took the doll and threw it right down the stairs.

We're the 22nd of June and I'm now with a new family member: Antoine.
I'm dealing okay with the fact that I'll have to share all my things, but I'm really enjoying the fact that I have someone to play with.
A funny anecdote about me and my brother is that when I first saw him in the hospital, the first thing he did wasn't to smile, or cry like lots of babies would have done. He was original, so the first thing he did when he saw me was to pee on me. That's how it all begins between my brother and I.

Presently, I’m going at the Juvénat-Notre-Dame, in Secondary 4.
I’m living in St-Étienne so I’m taking the bus every day to go to school.
It takes me 45 minutes but theses minutes are passing so fast because I’m in good company with Marie, my bus driver. Last summer, I worked 35 hours per week in a small restaurant call “ Resto 2000” as washing the dishes and also I’ve also did preparation, which’s is to cut all the vegetables, fruits, meet, prepare the fries, the sauce ,etc.

I’m in a kind of strict family so I was used to spare away my “bad energy” in the summer. However, I couldn’t because I was working, so I’m doing it in the sport and also a little bit in the school…
I’m kind of an active guy, preferring to do team sport for the spirit. What else could I say about me? I like to hang around with friends, being with my family and relaxing.

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